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Galerie Düsseldorf
30th Anniversary Year
Celebratory Exhibition No.7
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Significant works by :
Su Baker, Galliano Fardin, Frank Morris
Tom Múller, Jánis Nedéla, Mike Singe
Alex Spremberg. Kevin Robertson
Howard Taylor, David Wattt

Exhibition dates :
20 August - 17 September 2006

David Watt
Steam Train, The Main Parts and how they function;
Momentum, Friction, Force, Work, Energy, Power; The Hen;
Headgear througth the Ages; Plants of the Sandy Desert
Acrylic on MDF
Dimensions variable (Steam train 100 x 300 cm
Headgear approx. 30 x 30 cm each
Large Cactus 150 x 58 cm)
Total Installation as illustrated at CCAS
240 x 910 cm
$ 18,000